Abb is well known for manufacturing and supplying of x legacy products. Being a part of that mal is a compact secondary substation with reduced electromagnetic field 12 - 24 kv, 800 kva. Salient features are as follows:
1 roof and walls made of all-welded aluminum sheet
2 doors are made of aluminum with printed edge board contacts between the door and the frame
3 gas-insulated 12 kv rmu switchgear type `safering`
4 `safering` is supplied with an arc suppressor that closes mechanically on the feeder bushings if an internal arc fault occurs
5 it is made for personal safety, faults occurring when working in the low voltage area are disconnected in approximate 50 ms
6 detachable base plates facilitate cable operations
7 cable sealing in the form of "rubber lips" and no holes are required.