Evergreen technologies offers wm structured packings. Everpack wm column packing was developed as part of a comprehensive development program to improve packing performance. They are constructed of innovative textured wire gauge layers. This special gauge [which is normally made of ss] provides a high degree of wicking action, drawing the liquid in all directions into a thin film and provides a marked improvement in uniform wetting of the packing bed. The wire gauge layers are corrugated in a novel contoured pattern and arranged vertically, in close contact, to form modules. These modules are then stacked with an alternating 900 orientation of every other layer, which gives a good lateral distribution of liquid and gas. Because of their low-pressure drop and minimum hold-up characteristics, everpack is an ideal mass transfer media for temperature sensitive systems. These include vacuum distillation, temperature sensitive compounds, low-liquid loading systems, speciality chemicals, isomer separation, essential oils and fragrances, organic intermediates, amines, glycols, fatty acids, fatty alcohols, plastic monomers, vitamins and pharmaceuticals.