Evergreen sm column packing is the sheet metal version of the p popular everpack wm [wire mesh] and hyflux [knitted wiremesh] packing. It is supplied in modules, which consists of parallel layers of uniquely designed embossed sheet metal strips, which corrugated and arranged vertically. These modules are then stacked with an alternating 90° orientation of every other layer, which gives a good lateral distribution of liquid and gas. The embossed metal strips help to draw the liquid in all directions into a thin film and provides a marked improvement in uniform wetting of the packing bed. With the improved internal liquid distribution, high volumetric mass transfer efficiency is achieved |d low-pressure drop is maintained. The total liquid hold-up in packing is substantially reduced. The standard packing version has specific surface area of 250 m2/m3 [everpack smy 0]. However, other variants with specific surface areas of 125 :/m3 [smy 125], 175 m2/m3 [smy 175], 350 m2/m3 [smy 350], 0 m7m3 [smy 500], 750 m2/m3 [smy 750] and x crimp [60° mp alignment] are also available. In addition to the column eking, everpack also design and manufacture high efficiency column internals [distributors, collectors, support grids, etc].