Zodiac Clothing Company Limited is the manufacturer of Silk and Micro Fibre Ties for Men. Zodiac Clothing Company Limited also offers different types of men`s wear such as formal shirts and business shirts, formal trousers, belts and accessories such as cufflinks, belts and wallets. Silk and Micro fibre Ties for Men are regimental, earthy or playfully striped and are made of 100 % silk in a bunch of colours inspired by the hues that suits the season. They are nicely woven and make a style statement with bold motifs and all over designs. Silk and Micro fibre Ties for Men goes well with a range of premium shirts, business shirts, luxury shirts and with both formal and casual shirts. Zodiac Clothing Company Limited manufactures 42 variety of Silk and Micro fibre Ties for Men. The category includes printed, woven and solid in plain, stripes, minimal, checks and structure design.