Product Profile of Travelling Grate Boiler
Thermax Babcock & Wilcox Limited brings Traveling Grate Boiler Salient Features
- These shafts carry the grate chains on hardened sprockets.
- Three front undergate air seals prevent air by-passing to the ash discharge end.
- Grate Surface consists of a series of grate specifically designed for spreader stroke firing.
- Grate curvature keeps the grate closed without the aid of auxiliary weights when making the turn around the sprockets.
- Grate support within the furnace is provided by a series of skids and skidrails, each constructed of chill-hardened cast iron for maximum life.
- Grate removal is easily achieved through a grate access door. On removal of one bolt, any grate section can be replaced while the stroker is in operation.
- The air chamber is completely sealed both front and rear to prevent air leakage, direct and distributes combustion air through the active grate surface.
- The rear seal is designed to allow rear wall expansion while maintaining tightness.
- Catenary Design provides for atomic take-up or tensioning of grate chains to prevent jamming. Effective catenary is maintained by gravity, thus making external shaft adjustment.