Sujana Group of Companies manufactures Solar Light-Emitting Diode Street Lighting System. Sujana Group of Companies offers various products like construction and structural steel, power transmission & telecom towers, components, domestic appliances etc. The Solar Light-Emitting Diode Street Lighting System is very energy efficient and saves up to 50% on the power consumption as compared to Solar Street Lights with Conventional Light Bulbs. LEDs are Low Power consuming Devices and hence the Overall System Cost Reduces as the Size of the Battery and the Solar Panel are smaller when LEDs are used as Light Source. In LED light spectrum there is NO Ultra Violet, No Infrared rays hence no heat and no radiation produced. As a result these LED lights are conventional Green Light sources. These LED lights are especially suitable for public Lighting like street Lights, Open space, Perimeter lights and parking lots.
The Solar Light-Emitting Diode Street Lighting System consists of: