
Common Optical Cord

Common Optical Cord

Product Category :    Communication Systems & Parts

Supplier                :    Secure Meters Ltd

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Product Profile of Common Optical Cord

Secure Meters Ltd. Is the manufacturer of Common Optical Cord. Secure Meters Ltd. Is an ISO: 27001 and ISO: 14000 certified company. Common Optical Cord is a multi-purpose cable, suitable for communication with the optical port of different makes and models of digital energy meters. It avoids the use of different communication cables for different meters in field, thus a cost-effective and easily manageable solution for utilities. It falls under the category of `Communication Devices`. This Common Optical Cord is applicable in Local and remote meter reading, with multiple make of meters and its flexibility of use with hand held unit [HHU]/ Modem/ PC. It has the features like connection with IEC 1107/ PACT/ ANSI communication ports of meter and has good magnetic strength to hook up with meter port

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