A n instruments provides mercury-in-steel/gas filled thermometers. Elastic pressure gauges indicate the relative difference between the pressure of the medium and the surrounding atmosphere. The construction is simple and robust and no additional source of energy is needed for its operation. The most sensing/elastic elements, commonly used are temperature gauges/dial thermometers. Temperature reflects the momentous thermal condition of a homogenous material. Measurement of temperature normally requires close, direct contact between the material and the sensor in such a manner that the sensor responds quickly to the temperature of the material. The two types of dial thermometers manufactured by the company are bi-metal thermometers and mercury-in-steel/gas filled thermometers. These thermometers enable measurement of temperature with an accuracy of 1% of the maximum scale value. The thermometer system comprises a sensor bulb, transmitting capillary and a case containing a bourdon tube element. They system is filled with pressurized mercury or pressurized inert gas [for gas filled thermometer]. Temperature variation is measured by the bourdon tube system, and indicated on a dial.