Madhavi machine tools offers mmt-15t, the 15-tonne circular threadthread/fform rolling rolling machinemachine, which is based on the renownedfamous principle of symmetrical movement of both roll shafts. Bythrough widespreadextensive field use application and experience, the thread rolling machineit has been modifiedcustomized for better advantage, by promptingmaking the carriage move on circular ground guide bars. This way substantially enhances the rigidity of the machine is enhanced by eliminating removing many maintenance problems in rolling like carriage lift, constant adjustment etc. The rolling machine`s hydraulic system constructedbuilt with standard elements assuresensures an continuousuninterrupted steady 15-tonne thrust. The tilting of the shafts enabelshelps easy through feeding. The centralised lubrication system of the thread/form rolling machine minimises reduces maintenance. Using with the help of a backlash eliminator, the mmt-15t, thread/form rolling machine lends empowers itself to serration/spline rolling [plunge and through feed]. The thread/form rolling machinemachine also caters toperforms burnishing, straightening [including value straightening, etc]. Apart from mmt-15 tonne, the company also manufactures hydraulic thread rolling machines, model mmt-3t, mmt-6t, mmt-10t, mmt-15t [expo], mmt-18t, mmt-20t; spline rolling machines; and also carries out reconditioning of all types of thread rolling machines and supplies spare parts.