Indian chain private limited provides chains. In the past 27 years indian chain has come a long way, constantly adding to its capabilities and growing in experience to improve its product quality of high performance welded chains and their accessories in india and abroad.
Whether stud link chain for shipping and mooring, elevator chains for cement plants, scrapper chains for ash handling in power plants, conveyor chains for coal mining or short link chains for lifting purpose. Our products have withstood the extreme conditions and established their mark in respective industries.
Indian chain has been manufacturing stud link anchor chain and the accessories for various shipbuilding yards in india to have requirements, we are approved by all major classification societies like, irs, abs, lrs, dnv, bv, gl, nkk. Most of the naval frigates built in india are equipped with chains manufactured by indian chain. Over the years we have developed and produced all accessories for anchor chains like, kenter shackles, swivels, anchor shackles, senhouse slips and various type of anchor. We have been able to keep pace with new technology and are fully equipped to manufacture grade u3 chains for over 10 years. Our chains are now exported all over the world.