Media like undiluted sludge, filter cake, grease, thick coal slurry, grout mix, minced meat, chyawanprash, etc, are generally regarded as umpumpable. These media media such as these can be effectively handled by roto wide throat helical rotor pumps [hnaa series]. These rotor pumps have some constructional features which include: pumps consist of an open hopper type inlet with auger fitted at the bottom which physically pushes the umpumpable media into the pumping element. While handling a sticky medium that tends to form a bridge inside the hopper, bridge-breakers may be adopted. Bridge-breaker is a rotating shaft with stirring fingers placed inside the hopper therefore it prevents eby preventing the formation of the bridge. To suit the fluid to be pumped, thesethese wide throat pumps are available in all materials of construction to suit the fluid to be pumped and are also specially constructed for hygienic applications. These helical rotor pumps find their applications inuser areas include: industries like food processing, paper and pulp, paints and varnishes, soaps and detergents, construction, sewage, starch, and dairy.