Precious Industries manufactures Nylon Transistor Bushes and Mica Washers. Precious Industries supplies Aluminium Extruded and fabricated Heatsink for electronic and electrical industries. The transistor bushes are made from clear Nylon with permissible temperature of 120 Degree C. Bushing is of two types i.E. Heatsink Bushing & Transistor Bushing. Transistor Bushing is of two types i.E. Std. With height 4.7mm and Extra long with height 7.5mm. Nylon Transistor Pads for TO 5 & TO 18 with 3mm & 2mm height respectively. The Mica Washers are available for TO 66, TO 3 & TO 220 Transistors. While there are two different type in TO 220 mica washers i.E. AA & AB.