Sears Phytochem Pvt Ltd. Offers Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate that falls in the category of active pharma ingredients. Sears Phytochem Pvt Ltd. Specializes in manufacturing of various chemicals and oils. The specifications of Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate are description: white or almost white coloured powder; odorless; very hygroscopic; solubility: freely soluble in water; slightly soluble in ethanol [95 percent]; particularly insoluble in chloroform, in dichloromethane and in ether; identification: absorbance of the solution at the maximum at about 450 nm should not be more than 0.13 and by thin-layer chromatography; chromatographic plate: silica gel g; ph: 1 percent w/v soln ph is 8.4; specific optical rotation: + 99.11; inorganic phosphate: 0.1131 percent w/w; free betamethasone: 0.1421 percent w/w; and total ethanol & water: 7.411 w/w of water [N.M.T. 16 percent].