Product Profile of Rotameters
Japsin Instrumentation manufactures Rotameters. Japsin Instrumentation is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. The Rotameters are used in various industries like paper industry, oil and natural gas industry, organic chemicals, and steel industries.
Different types of Rotameters are:
- Acrylic Body Rotameters: are precision machined from clear acrylic block and fitted with needle valves stream lined in appearance. They are designed to give maximum accuracy visibility and ruggedness.
- Glass Tube Rotameters: are Precision flow measuring instruments designed on the `Variable Area` Rotameters basis using `Tapered` Tubes. These instruments are suitable for service with all available fluid including Acids, Alkalis Corrosive gas and organic Solvents for Temperature up to 150°C with suitable selection of material.
- Digital Flow Indicator with Totaliser: These are the flow Indicator can be installed on the line Electronic Indication of the Flow in Displayed on a Digital Indicator Device. This Indicating Display can be installed at any continued Position and can be centrally monitored magnetic Indication is also possible with magnate type flow indicator.
- By Pass Rotameters: are used for linear measurement of fluid flow in conjunction with orifice plates. This is an in expensive method of measuring large flows beyond 20M³ / HR and Line Size 2" and above.