Product Profile of Vertical Baling Press
Joy d-zign engineers pvt. Ltd. Is the designer and developer of vertical baling press. This vertical baling press is specially designed for book-binders for handling of waste paper/ corrugated boards, stationery, plastic / fill waste etc. These are ideally suited for the pressing of paper waste, corrugated boards, stationery etc. The features of the vertical baling press are as follows:
- Easy simple operation of handling waste by single person, the bales ensure higher yield price.
- Conveniently located control panel. One time activation of switch for downward movement of pressing plate and the movement can be stopped as may be required for refilling fresh waste material. The downward movement stops automatically on attainting the set pressure.
- Tight wrapping of compressed waste and bound with cords/plastic straps/hoops [wire] for ease- in handling for onward stacking / transportation. Two [front] and one [side] strapping grooves for bundling.
- Front loading of paper waste-material and convenient unloading of bales with the help of unique design- hydraulic kicker device available for ejecting the bale.
- Spring loaded switch for upward travel. The travel stops automatically with the help of the limit switch.
- Power saving device incorporated, the motor switches off automatically on attaining the set- pressure or in reset positions of the moving pressure plate.