Klassic klarol filters pvt.Ltd. Supplies oil purifying equipments. It is simple to operate and very effective. This oil purifying equipment removes contamination, water and gases from hydraulic oils while the machine is in operation. It cleans oil in two stages. In the first stage, oil under pressure passes through the replaceable filter made of compressed cellulose. Solid contaminants like carbon, dust, metals and gums are removed by the process of absorption and adsorption. In the second stage, the oil passes in the form of a thin film through the unique evaporation chamber under controlled conditions. Liquid contaminants are evaporated here and then vented out of the chamber. The oil purifying equipment is a by-pass oil purification device used on a variety of machines. It finds applications in injection moulding, hydraulic presses, cnc grinding machines and in pressure die casting machines. The oil purifying equipment also find application as a mobile cleaning system. It can be used to clean almost all industrial oils.