
High-Resolution Spectrometer For Enhanced Sensitivity

High-Resolution Spectrometer For Enhanced Sensitivity

Product Category :    Spectrometers

Supplier                :    Comtek Optics & Spectroscopy Instruments

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Product Profile of High-resolution Spectrometer For Enhanced Sensitivity

Technosource International, Inc supplies High-resolution Spectrometer for Enhanced Sensitivity. Technosource International, Inc offers process control, consumer electronics and medical diagnostics. HR2000+ES High-resolution Spectrometer for Enhanced Sensitivity is a preconfigured system that integrates a high-resolution optical bench, a powerful 2-MHz analog-to-digital [A/D] converter, programmable electronics, a 2048-element CCD-array detector, and a high-speed USB 2.0 port. This combination produces an extremely fast spectrometer and provides resolution to ~1.33 nm [FWHM]. The HR2000+ES have a slightly larger entrance slit [10 microns] and an L2 quartz collection lens to allow for extended measurement applications including:

The High-resolution Spectrometer for Enhanced Sensitivity allows users to capture and store a full spectrum into memory every millisecond [that`s 1,000 full spectra every second] when the spectrometer is interfaced to a computer via a USB 2.0 port. The HR2000+ES is ideal for chemical, biochemical and other applications where fast reactions need to be monitored and fine spectral features need to be resolved. High-resolution Spectrometer for Enhanced Sensitivity is ideal for applications where fast reactions need to be monitored and high resolution is necessary, such as protein dynamics.

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