Amarlix Au Paste Multi Purpose Fat Liquor is used in the preliminary fat-liquoring of chrome tanned leather usually in combination with AMARLIX GSNN PASTE. Amarlix Au Paste Multi Purpose Fat Liquor acts as a dispersing agent for natural fats and chrome tan Uniform distribution of chrome in upper and central layer of leather means level shades in dyeing. Amarlix Au Paste Multi Purpose Fat Liquor is even fat liquoring through the cross section hereby giving leather a relatively dry handle and leaves suede leathers good buffing properties and regular nap. Amarlix Au Paste Multi Purpose Fat Liquor use in preliminary fat liquors prevents thin and large -sized leather from entanglement and increase the tensile strength and stitch resistance of leather. Chemical composition of the Amarlix Au Paste Multi Purpose Fat Liquor is weakly cation active emulsion of natural oil. Emulsification: Emulsion can be formed by adding five times the amount of water at 50C and be further dilutedas per requirements
Characteristics of the Amarlix Au Paste Multi Purpose Fat Liquor
Appearance : Cream coloured, pourable paste.
PH For 10% SOLUTION : Approx. 5
Compatibility : Very Good with Non-ionic and Cation active.
Compatible with weakly anion active substance
Light Fastness : Good
Acid : Good
Alkalies : Not Stable
Salts : Fairly Good
Application of the Amarlix Au Paste Multi Purpose Fat Liquor