Salacia Reticulata Roots/Stem are bitter, acrid, vulnerary, liver tonic and stomachic. Hillgreen Herbal Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures Salacia Reticulata Roots/Stem.
Hillgreen Herbal Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO 9001-2008 awarded company that also manufactures wide range of herbs in different forms. Salacia Reticulata Roots/Stem is useful in conditions of vata, diabetes, leprosy, skin diseases and colic. It is known for its intestinal a-glucosidase inhibitory activity. A-Glucosidase inhibitors retard the digestion and hence absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine prevents the increase in blood glucose concentration after a carbohydrate load. Salacia reticulata shows hepatoprotective effects and also used as liver tonic. Salacia reticulata is effective in case of rheumatism, skin diseases and inflammation.