
Valve Position Indicator

Valve Position Indicator

Product Category :    Valve Position Indicators

Supplier                :    Auma (i) Ltd.

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Product Profile of Valve Position Indicator

Auma manufactures part-turn gearboxes which are used wherever a 90° swivel movement is required for the operation of a valve or damper. Being a part of that the valve position is transmitted via several stages to the limit switching in the multi-turn actuator, the accumulation of the backlashes can result in a hysterics. Design features:

  • Direct connection to the worm wheel [hardly any backlash]
  • Contact less end position sensors [hall sensors]
  • Modular design - can easily be adapted to different gearbox sizes
  • Can be positioned at every 90°
  • Continuous mechanical position indication
  • Generation of a end position signal for swivel movements between 80° and 100°
  • For transmission to the control room
  • Continuous direct travel monitoring for transmission to the control room [option]
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