Subnil Packaging Machineries [P] Ltd. Offers Three Head Tube Fillers with Tool-less Adjustment System. Subnil Packaging Machineries [P] Ltd. Is an ISO 9001 certified company. It is a medium or fast machine with capacity to produce about 70,000 tubes per shift. Its position indicators and tri-clover fittings enable easy changeover. The Three Head Tube Filler has a smooth indexer. The pump unit has a vertical dosing system, which helps in easy suction. Bottom-up filling coupled with shut-off nozzle ensures accurate and clean fill without air entrapment. Product level sensor, centralized lubrication and other safety features like detection of reverse tube, jammed tube, air pressure drop, etc are part of basic machine. Saddle fold, multi-colour filling, designer seal in plastic tubes, gas flushing before and after filling are the optional equipments of Three Head Tube Fillers with Tool-less Adjustment System.