PHP Micro Tubular Coil heaters are designed and manufactured with 40 years of
Experience, for superior performance and life expectancy. Depending upon applications,
These heaters provides the best combination of physical strength, high emissivity &
Good thermal conductivity to heat hot runner bushing / nozzles mainly for multi cavity
Hot runner PET perform moulds & thin wall container moulds.
Axial Clamp:-
The 1.8 mm diameter Micro Tubular Heater is formed into a coil of predefined
Dimension and equipped with a special cover for easy fitment. This special cover called
Axial Clamp allows front end loading and adjustability. Such easy handling saves hours
Of downtime in case of heater failure in a Multi - Cavity mold. These heaters are offered
With staggered cold leads of 5" & 7".
The application areas of Micro Tubular Coil Heater are:-
1. PET Preformed Moulds
2. Hot Runner Nozzles & Bushings
3. Thin Walled Container Moulds