PHP Mica Nozzle Heaters are designed and manufactured with more than 40 years of
Practical experience, for superior performance and life expectancy. As a manufacturer specialized in industrial electric heating elements & the desire to provide quality
Products and services to our customers both OEM`s & End Users, PHP specializes in designing Mica Nozzle Heaters, Ceramic Band Heaters, Mica Band Heaters, & Strip
Heaters to your exact specifications. Depending upon applications PHP Nozzle Heaters are manufactured with high temperature oxidation metal sheath and high grade mica insulation resistant to moisture and high temperatures. A superior grade NiCr resistance wire is evenly wound to provide uniform and reliable heat distribution with the best
Combination of physical strength, high emissivity & good thermal conductivity to heat machine nozzles, good for sheath temperature up to 300°C. PHP Nozzle Heaters are
Also available with various construction styles with special inbuilt Energy saving options.