Raj Petroleum Products Ltd manufactures High Temperature Greases. Raj Petroleum Products Ltd offers ISO 9001:2000 manufacturing facilities. High Temperature Greases falls under the category of `Industrial - Textile Lubricants`. These are high temperature greases designed for equipment and machinery operating at high temperatures under heavy and shock loads in hostile environments. High Temperature Greases withstand mild alkaline conditions and are formulated from special high viscosity index oils and a non-soap thickener system. They are suitable for medium loads up to 200 degree Centigrade. This industrial grease is suitable for heavily loaded extreme pressure conditions.
The High Temperature Greases are premium quality lithium complex greases formulated for multipurpose high temperature applications. These are available in variable forms. Some of them are additionally fortified with solid lubricants for withstanding shock loads. These greases are excellent for lubrication of antifriction bearings and bushings, link mechanisms and slides exposed to high temperatures and are also suitable for fan bearings of textile stenter machines. The High Temperature Grease is highly water resistant grease formulated from lithium complex soap thickener and special additives. It gives excellent performance in applications, where ingress of water cannot be avoided.