Maxwell scientific corporation specializes in testing instruments for wire and cable industries. The travelling microscope is an instrument for the measurement of small length e.G. The diameter of newtons rings, narrow tubes etc. It consists of a compound microscope mounted vertically or horizontally on a right metal frame so that it can be moved in a direction at right angles to its axis by means of a screw. The displacement of microscope is measured with verniers, which moves with the microscope along a scale fixed to the instrument. The base is properly painted heavy cast iron base, with two leveling screws. Top surface is machined for smooth sliding of carriage having clamping screws for locking. The horizontal scale fitted on the bed in machine divided on a lifetime stainless steel to a length of 14cm graduated in 0.5mm division. The vertical scale fitted on the vertical pillar is also machine divided on a lifetime stainless steel to a length of 14cm in 0.5mm division. Horizontal and vertical verniers, both have divided in 50 divisions such that 50 vernier scale division coincides with 49 mains scale division.