Sanspareils greenlands ltd. Is a provider of cricket equipments and it offers different types of cricket shoes. These cricket shoes are available in types of added with full spike, half spike and rubber studs.
Full spike cricket shoes- Sanspareils greenlands ltd. Presents full spike cricket shoes with upper made from pvc / pu / mesh upper heavy-duty materials. These shoes are suitable for all weather play as they are lab tested to conform to normal indian playing conditions. The company also provides spare insoles for individual custom snug fit. These full spike cricket shoes are available in 7, 8, 9,10 and 11 sizes.
Half spike cricket shoes- Sanspareils greenlands ltd. Supplies half spike cricket shoes with upper made from heavy duty pvc / pu / mesh materials. This feature provides the provision of suitability for all normal indian playing conditions. These half spike cricket shoes are available with spare insoles for individual custom snug fit. The company provides these half spike cricket shoes in 7, 8, 9,10 and 11 sizes.
Rubber studs cricket shoes- Sanspareils greenlands ltd. Offers rubber studs cricket shoes that are available in 5,6,7, 8, 9,10 and 11 sizes. These rubber studs cricket shoes come with upper fabricated from heavy duty pvc / pu / mesh materials. This type of cricket shoes also conforms for all weather playing conditions. These rubber studs cricket shoes come with spare insoles for individual custom snug fit.