Scientific Devices [Bombay] Private Limited offers Orifice Plates and Flange Assemblies. Scientific Devices [Bombay] Private Limited is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company. The Orifice Plates and Flange Assemblies fall in the category of Flow Measuring Instruments. The Orifice Plates and Flange Assemblies are designed for a variety of flow conditions for mounting between flanges for Carrier Rings and with RJ Plate Holders for mounting between RJ Flanges.
Scientific Devices Orifice Flange Assemblies are made to AGA/ASME recommendations and are reliable means to flow measurement. Assemblies to other international Standards viz. ISO, BS, DIN etc. Are also available. These flanges are available in various types such as Weld neck, Slip on, Screwed with facing FF, RJ, TG etc various types of tapping. The Orifice Plates and Flange Assemblies are supplied ready to install in pipelines complete with Studs, Nuts, Jack Bolts, Gaskets and Drain Plugs. Scientific Devices Orifice Flanges are manufactured in broad variety of materials to ASTM Standards viz.