Sapcon instruments provides intelligent capacitance level indicators. These intelligent capacitance level indicators are microprocessor-based systems. These indicators gives higher degree of reliability and stable operation in noisy environment due to intelligent digital communication between the electronic insert and the evaluation unit. All parameters are programmable via five keys and five multipurpose led displays. Calibration is possible without completely filling and emptying the vessel. Galvanically isolated 4 to 20 ma output is available for connecting to plc. Three relays are provided for programming three levels independently or as pump control logic. Three potential-free changeover relay output contacts are provided along with built-in universal power supply for 90 to 260 v ac or 24 v dc operations. The capacitance level indicators are used for continuous level measurement in conductive or non-conductive liquids, powdered or granular materials of homogeneous composition having stable dielectric constant. Other application includes: for monitoring and controlling the level in vessels containing water, oil, chemicals and foodstuffs in processing plants. The measuring electrode and the container wall [or grounding probe] form an electrical capacitor with the material as the dielectric. A change in the capacitance can be obtained by a change in the material level of the container causes in the capacitance.