Gujarat-based infra control systems [ics] offers manufactures advanced portable data logging systems. These data logging systems are developed designed for maximum productivity. One software package operates all loggers in the range regardless of sensor type, range or calibration. Some salient features are provided by data loggers which include: a pc running windows with a spare serial port is all that is needed with this tiny logger system. Each logger is a self-contained intelligent computer which eliminates eliminating the need to have separate programs for each logger type. Once set up via a pc, loggers can be disconnected and located remotely. There are some technical features of the data loggers which include: loggers operate independently until connected again for downloading of data. The user replaceable battery has a typical life of 1 to 2 years and non-volatile memory ensures data is secure even when the battery is removed. All readings are individually time and date stamped. For security eeach logger has a unique embedded serial number for security, which cannot be changed.