Aqua services manufactures vacuum type gas chlorinator aqua ii which represents latest advance in vacuum feed gas chlorination design of solution. These vacuum type gas chlorinator incorporates many technological advances to enhance longterm reliability and achieve optimum performance with minimum supervision and maintenance. The chlorine regulator of these vacuum type gas chlorinator can be mounted either on wall or top of gas cylinder or container. Correct operation depends on obtaining healthy vacuum from the ejector. Water flowing through ejector creates vacuum which opens the inlet valve to admit the gas into the regulator. The ejector of these vacuum type gas chlorinator consists of vacuum producing venturi and spring loaded diaphragm check valve. The vacuum type gas chlorinator functions as the gas passes through the flow meter and rate control valve and then to ejector where it is thoroughly mixed and dissolved in water and carried to the application point as a solution. Any vacuum failure automatically shuts off the supply of chlorine gas and ensures that no gas escapes into atmosphere. There is an automatic vent to atmosphere if pressure builds up in the regulator. If the source of chlorine gas is exhausted or gas line plugged the excess vacuum valve in the regulator closes to prevent any moisture being pulled back into the regulator or gas supply lines. Aqua ii gas chlorinator and ejector are constructed from pvc, victom, monel, teflon and extra- duty borosilicate glass, silver and copper materials.