Baseline technologies provides datalogging vibration meter. The vibration meter 3050 is a combination of a vibration meter and a datalogger. It is particularly suited in the fieldto the task of computerised vibration based machinery condition monitoring, this vibration meter is particularly used.. It is based on the simple the simple premise on which the vibration meter is based on ,that all rotating machines tend to show a rising trend of vibration on the bearing housings well before a breakdown actually occurs. Thus a periodic system of machinery vibration data collection can prove invaluable in the prevention of unscheduled breakdowns. The vibration meter, is a portable battery operated instrument is provided, with a memory for several vibration readings. These readings can be pre-configured in a specified sequence in a pc and loaded into the instrument. The unit is carried by the user to the prompted locations, and the new readings are stored in the memory, and later transferred to the pc and loaded into the instrument. The unit is carried by the user to the prompted locations, and the new readings are stored in the memory, and later transferred to the pc, where long term trending data is maintained. The software vtrend, supplied with the unit is applicable in useful for printing reports of alarmage, summary reports, and graphic trend charts. Vibration meter measures different physical paremeters such asthe unit can measure velocity, acceleration, displacement and bearing spike. The 3050 is the simplest and most cost-effective solution to computerised vibration based condition monitoring system needs.