P. D. Industries offers Zinc Free Methylene Blue. P. D. Industries also manufacture products like Malachite Green, Diamond Green, Methylene Blue 2B, Methylene
Blue Zinc Free, Victoria Blue B, Auramine `O`, Methyl Violet, Rhodamine B, Basic Magenta, Crysodine R, Bismark Brown R, Sulphur Black, Solubilised Sulphur Black
[Leather Black], Ultramarine Blue [laundry/Industrial Grade], Liquid Blue, Chinese Blue and Prussian Blue for various industries. The Zinc Free Methylene Blue is a
Dark Green Crystalline Powder. The Zinc Free Methylene Blue has minimum 98 % assay contents on dry basis and has 11.0 % to 12.0 % loss on drying at 105 Degree
C. It passes turbidity test.