Scr elektroniks produces temperature data logger for temperature monitoring. It is built around a powerful 8 bit microprocessor. The operating functions are controlled by the software, which is written in assembly language. It can allow inputs of 4-20 ma, from pressure ph and conductivity transmitters. Salient features: available for 8/16 channels; accepts rtd/ thermocouple [j, k, t, r, s] type sensors; excellent accuracy through software linearisation; display rate programmable; audio alarm with mute facility; polarity, over range and sensor break indication on display; channel hold facility; skipping of unused channels possible; independently programmable high and low set points for each channel; key-board lock to avoid unauthorized entry; battery back up for memory protection and, direct interface to standard printer. The data logger is available in two models-tdl 2000 and tdl 2000 em. The latter has a data storage capacity for 380 readings.