Product Profile of Internet Based Portfolio Management Software
Internet Based Portfolio Management Software evaluates stock price in view of the company`s past performance and future plans. The Portfolio Management Software helps in making decisions pertaining to entry, exit, leverage, de-leverage of positions in uncertain markets. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing designs Internet Based Portfolio Management Software.
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing offers a wide range of software products for computing in Indian languages for use in education and training institutions. The Internet Based Portfolio Management Software is used in identifying stocks and Performance Comparison of companies representing various industries.
Key Features of Internet Based Portfolio Management Software
- Internet-enabled
- Multi-tier Architecture
- Scaleable centralized repository of price/volume data of equities, market index and fundamental data of issuing companies.
- Data feeds supported from various formats such as Access, Excel, Text etc.
- User Interface enabling users to form portfolios and feed other input parameters for performance analysis
- Business Logic Services
- Charting as visualization technique of Data Mining
- Charts as Candlesticks, OHLC Bars, Histogram, Line etc.
- Fundamental as well as Technical analysis supporting Stock Selection and Market Timing
- Analytical, Customizable Reports
- Sector-wise / Industry - wise Analysis
- Applicable to Global Markets taking care of different Time zones with GMT/DST, involving different currencies etc.