Prolite Autoglo Limited offers Maintained Recessed Lights. Prolite Autoglo Limited is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. The Maintained Recessed Lights consist of single florescent lamp which provides illumination on normal mains power supply. The Maintained Recessed Lights continue to provide illumination during mains failure on self contained battery source. On resumption of mains supply, the Maintained Recessed Lights are switched back to the mains automatically and simultaneously starts recharging the battery to the required level. All the models of Maintained Recessed Lights provide uninterrupted illumination.
The Maintained Recessed Lights are used in emergency evacuation, general safety and caution warning in public buildings, hospitals, factories, auditoriums, theaters, hotels, subways, motels, banks, garages, offices, schools, restaurants, ships, aircrafts, warehouse, power plants, etc.