Francis klein & co suppliesoffers high energy kml series, brush less compact dc stepper motor from superior electric which is, usa, a division of warner. This has achieved new levels of performance, uusing the latest in design and magnetic technologies francis klein has achieved new levels of performance. The high energy kml series is series, available in nema size 23 and 34 frames and it also , produce double the torque of earlier motors. This leads to this results in more torque per frame size and thus it allowsenables users to reduce size and weight of the motor, increase system performance and reduce cost. Technical features of this series include;the standard resolution is 1.8 deg per full step, ie, 200 steps/revolution. The motors are available in vvarious winding configurations are available of these dc stepper motor. Matching full step and micro stepping drives are also available from slo?syn, usa. The motor has rear shaft ffor encoder mounting there is a provision for rear shaft with this motor. There is no need of maintenance no maintenance is required and it . It can withstand 2 times rated current without de?magnetisation. The motor is available with 4 lead connections ffor bipolar operation and 6 lead connection for unipolar operation dc stepper motor is available with 4 lead connections. Dc stepper motor are applicable in different fields such as; it finds applications in packing machines, calibration and testing, spms, printing machines, step and repeat machines, grinding and machine tool retrofitting.