Francis klein provides centreless throughfeed superfinishing machine type nagel scd 80. Its and technical key specifications are: dia range: 1.5 to 80 mm; number of stations: up to 7, up to 8 [special design]; oscillation system: pneumatic; oscillation stroke: 2400-2800 double strokes/minute; and additional stroke device: 30-60 double strokes/min. Some of the special features are: the machine is designed for high volume superfinishing of cylindrical parts such as piston pins, bearing rollers, round punches, etc. Special hyperbolic feed rollers are designed for specific applications such as cylindrical or crowned machining. It gives high surface finish with selection of proper superfiriishing stone in each station. The machine comes with rapid height and roller adjustment systems. Other finishing machines from nagel includes superfinishing attachment type sg 50 and sg 75; centreless superfinishing machine-plunge cut type sce; superfinishing machine for between centres jobs type se-0 1; custom built superfinishing machines such as for brakedrums; and synchrogears.