Revolving Lamp Siren has minimum sound level of above 100 dB. This Revolving Lamp Siren has operating voltage of 12/24 VDC and 110/230 VAC. Revolving Lamp Siren is manufactured by ION Electricals Pvt. Ltd which is ISO 9001:2000 accredited.ION Electricals Pvt. Ltd also manufactures precise and accurate temperature sensors, indicators, controllers, timers master slave clock system, street light timer, specialised cooling tower, weekly timer with 100 programs and custom designed panel and instruments. The Revolving Lamp Siren has single tone and weight of 520 gm. This Siren has length of 145 mm and diameter of 100 mm. This Siren requires power of 10 W and is available in red, yellow, green and blue colour.