Avante global services manufactures krykard load manager, alm 3 plus which is the most versatile, simple to use but comprehensive portable electrical analyser for power, energy, demand and harmonics analysis. It is suitable for 3-phase balanced and unbalanced loads and feeders, which is set to change the way industries have approached energy audit and energy management. It is portable load manager, which measures up to 156 electrical parameters on single phase and three phase, balanced and unbalanced loads. It can be used on both lt and ht systems and has field-programmable pt and ct ratios and measures all basic electrical parameters, energy parameters and also harmonics making it a very comprehensive energy analyser for any industry. It offers the flexibility of storing data on the field, which can be downloaded to a computer through an rs-232 serial port. The software, which works on windows 95/98, offers the features of monitoring the on-line data including waveforms or to download the stored date from the instrument. It has a built-in graphics printer that can be programmed for automatic or manual printouts. Built-in battery is provided for power supply backup to carry out un-interrupted measurements and the instrument comes with three 1000 amp cts [of internal dia 55 mm], 4 voltage probes and a few other items as a part of the standard kit.