Amtech electronics [india] offers most advanced digital ac drive available up to 1000 hp using microprocessor-based control under the label axpert. These inverters uses latest 3rd generation igbt technology and s pwm control strategy and are applicable for constant and variable torque operations. The fibre optics technology is applied for having a better noise immunity and performance in operations above 500 hp. The digital ac drive come with a user friendly keypad and large 7-segment led display to various applications. The drives are obtainable with salient variety of characteristics such as square reduction v/f pattern meant for energy saving, multi speed operation, optional traverse pattern task, spinning motor pick up, skip frequencies, kw indication, power loss ride through for 2 seconds and optional close loop control. These ac drives have various motor protections such as true ground fault protection, over load protection, and other standard features. The company also offer the drives with facilities like input ac line reactor, dc choke, dynamic braking, output reactor, output sine filter and customised panel and system automation as per requirements. The ac drives come as a way out for harmonic elimination which leads to pollution free mains supply.