Product Profile of Plant Growth Substance for Fruit Drop Reduction
Sivashakthi Bio Planttec Limited manufactures Plant Growth Substance for Fruit Drop Reduction. Sivashakthi Bio Planttec Limited is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. Sivashakthi Bio Planttec Limited offers various types of teak plant, mango plants, amla plant, sapota plant, pomegranate plants, agrochemicals etc. Plant Growth Substance for Fruit Drop Reduction is available under the brand name- Vinngro L, essential for influencing the physiological system and promotes the plants ability lo combat various environmental stresses by enhancing natural anti-oxidant activity.
Key Features of Plant Growth Substance for Fruit Drop Reduction
- Re-circulation of Agriculture protein back to Agriculture for effective use.
- Vegetables source: Maize-Most preferred.
- Balanced and optimized Amino acid profile.
- Completely free Amino Acids which are Bio-available. Bio assimiable.
- Standard composition of Hydrolyzed proteins.
- Proven Bio-efficacy data on major crops.
- Eco-friendly in nature.
- Helps in better crop spread.
- Induces flowering & reduces flower drop.
- Improves fruit set.
- Improves fruit size, quality and color.
- Advances maturity and increases the keeping quality.
- Gives drought resistance.
- Thereby it increases yield to a significant extent.
- Vinngro L is only a supplement and not a substitute to fertilizers.