In-Line Three Stub Data Bus Couplers with Termination is the electronic module where the connection[s] between the Stub[s]/ Node[s] and the Data Bus are made. It consists of Bus In, Bus out connections and at least one stub connection. The stub connection is made using a coupling transformer and two fault isolation resistors on the Data Bus end. Compupower Private Limited manufactures In-Line Three Stub Data Bus Couplers with Termination.
Compupower Private Limited is the supplier of Data Bus Couplers and Interface Transformers for MIL-STD-1553B applications. The In-Line Three Stub Data Bus Couplers with Termination with cables attached are known as In-line Data bus Couplers. The purpose of the Data Bus Couplers is to prevent a short on a single stub from shorting the main Data Bus i.E. To isolate the main Bus from the terminals, to reduce reflections and maintain signal impedance levels.