Zetatek offers a range of environmental test chambers consisting of hot and cold temperature chamber, thermal chamber, temperature humidity chamber, temperature altitude chamber, combined temperature, altitude and humility chambers and thermal shock chambers. Specifications, model- zwf: 1000:70:100:lha - r; capacity in ltr - 1000; internal dimensions in mm lr x fb x tb - 1000 x 1006 x 1000; interior - stainless steel; external dimension in mm lr x fb x tb - 2200 x 3300 x 2520; exterior - crms painted; temperature range - -70°c to 100°c; heating rate °c/min [-60°c to +so°c] - 5°c/min linear; cooling rate °c/min [+so°c to 60°c] - 5°c/min linear; humidity range in %rh - 10 to 95 per cent; and humidity method - steam injection/dew point; etc. Standard features: single front opening left hinged door; porthole of 75 mm diameter; standard safety features. Options available on request: capacity - other capacities available on request; other rates of heating and cooling available on request up to lo°c/min linear; pc based system with software for data acquisition; recorder; additional port holes of 25 mm, 50 mm or 100 mm diameter; viewing window 200 mm x 200 mm, 300 mm x 300 mm; electrical terminals for interconnection; feed through mil connectors.