Product Profile of Active Vibration Damping Control Valves
Rexroth is a drive & control company offering drive and control technologies, both specialised and integrated. Rexroth is a wholly-owned subsidiary of robert bosch gmbh. Rexroth offers the control valves ehr from their mobile hydraulics division. Mobile controls are control and safety systems for drive and working hydraulics of mobile equipment. They have the following unique features:
- Ehr control valve can be combined with directional-control valves for the working hydraulics
- Ehr control valve in flange [ehr5] or segment [ehr23] design
- Position control, tension control, mixed control
- Active vibration damping during transport
Software for self-diagnosis
- Complete system with optimally matched components
- Ehr system components consist of ehr control valves, controllers, sensors and ehr control panel.
These are used in electronic-hydraulic hitch control in tractors.