Statcom is a power electronics based converter. This converter can be controlled through software which provides reactive power compensation for both lagging and leading currents, harmonic suspension and mains current balancing.The outstanding feature of this powerone statcom is the almost instantaneous response to the changes in the load patterns. The converter responds to the load changes in less than 5 msec. This statcom finds its applications in textile mills, steel plants, spinning mills, star hotels, commercial complexes, software companies, etc. Some of the key features of this statcom include: range 30 kvar to 1000 kvar; non intrusive shunt type active filter configuration; dsp based controller with igbt technology; 5 milliseconds response time for load changes; reactive & harmonic power compensation; maximum demand [md] reduction; eliminates over compensation problems through instantaneous response; maintenance-free operation; online load analysis will ensure compatibility for all types of load.