Koley Valves Corporation manufactures Bronze Horizontal Lift Check Valve. Koley Valves Corporation is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. Koley Valves Corporation offers different types of valves. Bronze Horizontal Lift Check Valve is suited for various industry like-Steel Plants, Power Plants, and Chemical plants, Fertilizers, Coalfield and Atomic Research Centres, Oil Refinery etc. Bronze Horizontal Lift Check Valve is available in 15 mm - 50 mm size ranging. This Cheek Valve is available with screwed bonnet and screwed end valves are supplied generally with BSP parallel threads for steam. The renewable body, seat and value will be made of stainless steel AISI-410. The body and bonnet of Bronze Horizontal Lift Check Valve will be made from Bronze conforming IBR 282 [a] [IV] Grade-B. The valves are hydraulically tested to 35 kg. /sq. Cm [500 lbs PSIG] and are suitable for maximum working pressure of 17.5 kg. /sq. Cm [250 PSIG]