
Bd 380 Open End Spinning Systems

Bd 380 Open End Spinning Systems

Product Category :    Spinning Machine

Supplier                :    Batliboi Textile Machinery

Key Features of Bd 380 Open End Spinning Systems

  • Manufactured by inventors of rotor spinning technology `Elitex from Czech Republic` introducers of renowned BD series semiautomatic machines.
  • BD series machines are largest installed machines in the world.
  • Latest semiautomatic model BD380 now in market with max. 352 rotors.

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Product Profile of Bd 380 Open End Spinning Systems

Batliboi Textile Machinery manufactures BD 380 Open End Spinning Systems. Batliboi Textile Machinery is a manufacturer of Textile Air Engineering, Textile Machinery, Machine Tools and Air Conditioning. BD 380 Open End Spinning Systems have automatic joint spinning-in to overcome multiple yarn breaks in case of power failure.

Key Features of Bd 380 Open End Spinning Systems
  • Manufactured by inventors of rotor spinning technology `Elitex from Czech Republic` introducers of renowned BD series semiautomatic machines.
  • BD series machines are largest installed machines in the world.
  • Latest semiautomatic model BD380 now in market with max. 352 rotors.
  • Compact design accommodates maximum rotor in minimum machine length.
  • Unique feature JSI - automatic joint spinning-in to overcome multiple yarn breaks in case of power failure.
  • Digital technology Corolab Q - Online quality monitoring system ensures set quality parameters in delivered yarn.
  • Capable to spin yarn out of waste dominated inferior mixing.
  • Machine can be retrofitted with slub yarn & yarn covering attachments to spin value added yarn.
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